Astrology Charts R700

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What are my Transits?

You will receive a 1 page email containing your transits for the upcoming year. I spend about 4 hours studying your chart and over the course of several days, to allow my interpretations and insights to deepen, as I work on your chart. The transit analysis is a personalized horoscope based on the transits of the planets in the upcoming year, in comparison to the position they occupied at the  moment of your birth. 

Please send the following details to info@jennyrenpsychic.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :

  1. birthday
  2. city of birth
  3. time of birth
  4. proof of payment (PayPal transaction ID)

Personalized Astrology Chart R700

Charts will only be sent after payment has been received.

Astrological transits are one of the main means used in horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments (the other means used is astrological progression, which progresses the horoscope forward in time according to set methods). As its name implies, astrological transits involve a method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets as they transit the horoscope. This is most often done for the birth or Natal Chart of a particular individual. Particular attention is paid to changes of sign, or house, and to the aspects or angles the transiting planets make with the natal chart.

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R1000 per half hour, R1,500 for 45 minutes, R2,000 for one hour.

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