Psychic Development Course - R 2,750/mnth

Online Course Details:
Develop your psychic abilities with an easy to use 12 module program.
- Start the course at your convenience, year round
- Gifts mailed to you over the course
- Astrology chart (personal) included
Online Jenny Ren Psychic development course. 12 modules based on Jenny Rens experience over twenty years working internationally as a psychic, medium and clairvoyant. Once a year, students who have completed the twelve modules will be invited to attend a psychic convention in Cape Town with a graduation ceremony.
Course structure: One module will be mailed to you each month. At the end of the month you can email feedback with your questions which will be answered.
You can commence your course in any month of the year.
Cost: R2750.00 per month for 12 month course - payable monthly or if paid in full in advance, a discounted rate of R31,000.00.
Gifts Included in the course:
Module one.
Meditations for increasing your psychic powers. Introduction to astrology.Your astrology chart emailed to you, given to you as a platform to understand the planets. Tarot card reading. Blank cards practise set to write key words onto and colour in with tarot booklet will be posted to you. How eating the right food raises your psychic vibrations. Reccomended healthy diet for spiritual workers.
Module 2
Pendulum: how to use it. A pendulum and a leather pouch will be mailed to you. Healing from a distance. How to use Dowsing rods.How to make Salt and herb baths for cleansing. Burning sacred herbs to communicate with spirit world. Crossing over. Herbs for healing, how to make herb teas, herb pouches and herbal salts for space cleansing and protection.
Module 3
Craftmaking tools to enhance your psychic life. Make your own candles and incense. Crystal healing. A crystal pendant will be mailed to you. Visualization excersises to contact your guides. Meditations using visualization. The chakras explained. Sound healing and spiritual music.
Module 4
Tarot spreads. The I ching readings. Feng Shui, space clearing, blessings and protection for your home. Your altar a sacred space. Make some healing creams...Auras and aura readings. Clothing for spiritual work. White Cotton spirit work clothing mailed to you.
Module 5
Past lives and reincarnation. Spiritual excersises to uncover past lives. Karmic and past life astrology. How to do past life regressions. What is karma? Palmistry. Tea leaf readings. Coffee grind readings. Spiritual guide cards to be mailed to you.
Module 6
Further excersises to develop your third eye. Introduction to basic yoga. The importance of being in touch with nature. Herbal remedies. How to grow your own herbs. Organic herb seeds will be posted to you (depending on where you live and customs). How to make herbal tinctures. Herbs for sacred ceremonies. The use of the four elements in rituals and ceremonies. Ancient magic. African Magic. About witchdoctors and sangomas.
Module 7
Vedic astrology. Vedic magic squares. Ayurvedic healing. Indian deitys and their significance. Do it yourself reflexology. Introduction to aromatherapy massage. A set of aroma oils will be mailed to you. The healing properties and history of pyramids. Make your own healing pyramids.
Module 8
Telepathy. Astral travelling. All about ghosts. How to remove spirit entities and banish disturbing ghosts. Biography mapping to recognize karmic patterns. All about the angels. How to call on the angels for help. Inspirational cards with angel messages will be mailed to you.
Module 9.
Astrology transits. Your current astrology transits emailed to you. Crystal ball scrying. The prophetic medical sciences based on Islam.The use of taghweez. Sufi healing.The 99 names and their healing properties explained. Word and symbolic charms and their uses.
Module 10.
Amulets and talismans. Feng Shui amulets and their uses. American Indian beliefs and ceremonies. Meditation, advanced techniques to develop prophecy. The use of trees and bark and branches in magic. Dreams. Keeping a dream diary. Visualizations to ask for specific dreams. Signs and omens. A dream catcher will be mailed to you.
Module 11
The use of psychology when giving readings. Counselling skills. Your reading table and tools. Telephone readings. Careers in psychic, astrology and the healing fields. Attending psychic fairs. Public clairvoyance. Forming a psychic circle. How to make your work pay for your travels. Giving workshops and talks. A set of Insence will be mailed to you.
Module 12
Marketing your spiritual services. Social media, networks, publicity, advertising How to ask the guides and angels for assistance. Manifestation techniques for full moon. Amulets to bring new business and abundance. The power of using energy work to assist in making your business successful. Products to sell to clients. Client data base and your website tools for success. Business format for spiritual practitioners. Jenny Ren's book, the secrets of a successful psychic, will be mailed to you.
Graduation is three days. This will include travelling at your expense to a healing spa or beach resort which would be either in Thailand, Cape Town, Spain, Durban, Mauritius or Zanzibar.
PSYCHIC AND HEALING DEMOS. Practise sessions. Guided by Jenny Ren. Participants will be able to practise their psychic abilities. Self healing techniques / massage crystal healing and herbs for health.
Graduation ceremony. Presentations each participant will be required to have researched something and do a presentation.
Fire, earth, water and air initiation ceremony. Celebration. Presentation of diplomas.